
UI/UX Design, Web Development

MOTER uses cutting edge data science to turn raw data from modern vehicles into actionable takeaways for insurance, monetization, and road safety.


Messaging Strategy

We highlighted MOTER’s advanced technology and process by illustrating how each feature answers the specific needs of our ideal users. With unique pathways for automakers, insurers, and fleet owners, our audience easily discovers how MOTER integrates and bolsters their operations.

Verbal Language

Using an experienced, savvy, and approachable brand voice, we presented MOTER as the ideal business partner. We crafted the content to be specific enough to denote expertise, but not too technical that it alienates other segments of the audience.

Visual Language

To showcase how MOTER’s advanced technology powers their services, we created illustrations and icons that uniquely captures their brand essence. Combining these custom elements with sharp accents, graphics, spacious layouts, and contemporary fonts, we expressed a modern feel while keeping hints of the cutting edge appeal.


MOTER uses conventional hardware within vehicles to feed the powerful data science and analysis that provides insights for its partners. We reflected this dynamic through an intuitive website structure and presentation, making sure that users can find the information that they’re looking for.

We complemented any technical exposition with custom graphics to engage and delight the audience, while also educating them on how MOTER can boost their business.

Let’s amplify your brand together